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IActionStyle - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IActor - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IActorAttachHandler - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
Created by hiro on 2015/05/21.
IActorBlueprint - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IActorCollideHandler - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IActorConnectHandler - Interface in org.tapchain.core
Created by hiro on 2015/05/28.
IActorEditor - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
Created by hiro on 2015/05/21.
IActorSharedHandler - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IActorTap - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
IAggregator<Input,Output> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IAndroidIntentHandler - Interface in org.tapchain
Created by hiro on 15/02/08.
IAttachHandler<EDITOR,ACTOR,VIEW> - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
IAxon<T> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IAxon.AxonException - Exception in org.tapchain.core
IBlueprint<ACTOR extends IPiece> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
Blueprint interface.
IBlueprintFocusNotification - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IBlueprintInitialization - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IBoostable - Interface in org.tapchain.core
ic_launcher - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.mipmap
IChainAdapter<T extends IPiece> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IChargeable - Interface in org.tapchain.core
ICollidable<ACTOR extends IPiece> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
ICollideRegister - Interface in org.tapchain.core
ICommit - Interface in org.tapchain.core
icon - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
icon - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
icon - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
iconifiedByDefault - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
IConnectHandler<ACTORVIEW extends ITap,PATHVIEW extends ITap> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
Created by hiro on 2015/05/28.
IConnector - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IDown - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IEditor<ACTOR extends IPiece,VIEW extends ITap> - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
IErrorHandler<ACTOR extends ChainPiece> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IFloat - Interface in org.tapchain.game
IFocusable - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
IFocusControl - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
Created by hiro on 2015/05/04.
IFocusHandler<VIEW extends ITap> - Interface in org.tapchain.core.actors
Created by hiro on 2015/11/24.
ifRoom - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
IGenericCollideHandler<ACTOR extends IPiece> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
Created by hiro on 2015/05/21.
IGenericSharedHandler<EDITOR,ACTOR extends IPiece,VIEW extends ITap> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
Created by hiro on 2015/05/20.
IIntentHandler - Interface in org.tapchain.realworld
Created by hiro on 2016/01/05.
ILockedScroll - Interface in org.tapchain.core
ILogHandler - Interface in org.tapchain.core
image - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
imageButtonStyle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
IManager<T,U> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
increment() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.EffectorSkelton
increment() - Method in class org.tapchain.game.CarEngineer.Speed
indeterminateProgressStyle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
info - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
init(IPoint) - Method in class org.tapchain.BeamTapStyle
init(IValue<Float>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.FloatFilter
init(IValue<Float>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.FloatGenerator
init(IValue<VALUE>) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.Actor.IDesigner
init(IValue<Integer>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.IntegerFilter
init(IValue<Integer>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.IntegerGenerator
init(IValue<IPoint>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.PointGenerator
init(IValue<Object>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Show
init(IValue<String>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.StringFilter
init(IValue<Calendar>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Time
init(IValue<Object>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.TouchUpFilter
init(IValue<Object>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.WaitEndHeap
init(IValue<String>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.WordGenerator
init(IValue<Void>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.actors.PathThru.IntegerPassThru
init(IValue<Integer>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.actors.PushOut.IntegerPushOut
init(IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.BlueprintInitialization
init(Object...) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ChainPiece
init(IPiece) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IBlueprintInitialization
init(IValue<Object>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.TapMath.Round
init(IValue<Object>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.TapMath.Sin
init(IValue<CarEngineer.AccelAngle>) - Method in class org.tapchain.game.CarEngineer.AccelPedal
init(IValue<CarEngineer.RotationAcceleration>) - Method in class org.tapchain.game.CarEngineer.Brake
init(IValue<CarEngineer.BrakeAngle>) - Method in class org.tapchain.game.CarEngineer.BrakePedal
init(IValue<CarEngineer.RotationAcceleration>) - Method in class org.tapchain.game.CarEngineer.Engine2
init(IValue<CarEngineer.Speed>) - Method in class org.tapchain.game.CarEngineer.Tire
init(IValue<Electricity>) - Method in class org.tapchain.game.ElectricityFactory
init_user(IPiece, IManager<PIECE, PIECE>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Blueprint
initBackground() - Method in class org.tapchain.MyTapStyle2
initEffectValue(Effect, int) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.EffectorSkelton
initialActivityCount - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
initMinGridSize(IPoint) - Method in class org.tapchain.ActorTap
initNum() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ChainPiece
initTTS(Activity) - Static method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor
inPack - Variable in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
input() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PathPack.InPathPack
input(PathType) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
inputHeapAsync() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
inputOne(int) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PathPack.InPathPack
inputPeek() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PathPack.InPathPack
inputPeek(PathType) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
intent(Activity, Intent, IntentHandler) - Static method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor
intent(Activity, Intent) - Static method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor
intent_register(Activity, int, IntentHandler) - Static method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor
intent_register(Activity, IntentHandler) - Static method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor
intent_start(Activity, Intent, Integer) - Static method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor
IntentHandler - Interface in org.tapchain
interrupt(Actor.ControllableSignal) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Controllable
interrupt(Actor.IControllableInterruption) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Controllable
interrupt(Actor.ControllableSignal) - Method in interface org.tapchain.editor.IPathTap
interruptEnd() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Controllable
interruptError() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Controllable
interruptRestart() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Controllable
interruptStep() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Controllable
invalidate() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ChainPiece
invalidate() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Factory
invalidate() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.Factory.ValueChangeNotifier
invalidate() - Method in interface org.tapchain.editor.ITap
invalidate() - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.FactoryViewAdapter
IPacket<T> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IPath - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IPathTap - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
IPiece<PARTNER extends IPiece> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IPieceHead - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IPoint - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IPoint.WPEffect - Enum in org.tapchain.core
IPressed - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IRegister - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IRelease - Interface in org.tapchain.core
isAlive() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ChainPiece
isAllocable(IPoint) - Method in class org.tapchain.editor.Geometry
isAssignableFrom(ClassEnvelope) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ClassEnvelope
isChanged() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece.PartnersReturn
isClosed() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.DelayedSyncQueue
isClosed() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Hippo
isClosed() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IAxon
isClosed() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.SyncObject
isClosed() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.SyncQueue
isConnected() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Connector
isConnectedTo(LinkType) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor
isConnectedTo(IPiece) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPiece
Check connection between this object and secondpiece.
isConnectedTo(IPiece, PathType) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPiece
isConnectedTo(PathType, boolean) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPiece
isConnectedTo(IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
isConnectedTo(IPiece, PathType) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
isConnectedTo(PathType, boolean) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
isConnectedTo(IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece.PartnerList
isConnectedTo(IPiece, PathType) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece.PartnerList
IScrollable - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IScrollHandler - Interface in org.tapchain.core
ISelectable - Interface in org.tapchain.core
isEmpty() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Chain.ChainOperator
isEmpty() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Hippo
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IAxon
isEmpty() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.SyncObject
ISensorView - Interface in org.tapchain.game
isFamily() - Method in enum org.tapchain.core.PathType
IShapeBoundary - Interface in org.tapchain.viewlib
isInterrupted() - Method in enum org.tapchain.core.ActorInputErrorCode
isInterrupted() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.Chain.IErrorCode
isInterrupted() - Method in enum org.tapchain.core.Chain.PieceErrorCode
isInWindow(float, float) - Method in interface org.tapchain.editor.IWindow
isInWindow(float, float) - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.TapChainSurfaceView
isLightTheme - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
isLocked() - Method in enum org.tapchain.core.ActorInputErrorCode
isLocked() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.Chain.IErrorCode
isLocked() - Method in enum org.tapchain.core.Chain.PieceErrorCode
isNotEmpty() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Connector
isSetView() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.BlueprintManager
IState - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IStep - Interface in org.tapchain.core
isTouching(WorldPoint) - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidButton
isTrue(LinkType) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.LinkBooleanSet
ITap - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
ITapControlInterface - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
itemPadding - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
iterator() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Hippo
IToggle - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IValue<T> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IValueArray<E> - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IValueLog - Interface in org.tapchain.core
IWindow - Interface in org.tapchain.editor
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