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D2Point - Class in org.tapchain.core
D2Point() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.D2Point
D2Point(IPoint, IPoint) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.D2Point
DEBUG - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.BuildConfig
DEBUG - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.test.BuildConfig
decode(String, String) - Static method in class org.tapchain.core.CodingLib
decor_content_parent - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
default_activity_button - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
defaultQueryHint - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
DefaultShapeBoundary - Enum in org.tapchain.viewlib
DelayedSyncQueue<T extends java.util.concurrent.Delayed> - Class in org.tapchain.core
Created by hiro on 2015/06/03.
DelayedSyncQueue() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.DelayedSyncQueue
DelayedSyncQueue(int) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.DelayedSyncQueue
describeContents() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidView
detach() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Connector
detach() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPath
detach(IPiece) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPiece
detach() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Path
detach(IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
detachAll() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PathPack
detachAll() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
detachAll() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece.PartnerList
detached(IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor
detached(IPiece) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPiece
Check and detach this piece from target piece.
detached(IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
dialogPreferredPadding - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
dialogTheme - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
dim_foreground_disabled_material_dark - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
dim_foreground_disabled_material_light - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
dim_foreground_material_dark - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
dim_foreground_material_light - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
disable() - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.GridFragment
disabled_alpha_material_dark - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.dimen
disabled_alpha_material_light - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.dimen
disableHome - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
disconnect(IPiece, IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PieceManager
disconnect(IPath) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PieceManager
disconnect(IPiece, IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.editor.EditorManager
disconnect(IPath) - Method in class org.tapchain.editor.EditorManager
displayOptions - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
divide(float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
divide2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
divider - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
dividerHorizontal - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
dividerPadding - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
dividerVertical - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
door3 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.raw
down - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
down2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
draw - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
drawableSize - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
drawBitmapCenter(Canvas, Bitmap, IPoint, Paint) - Static method in class org.tapchain.DrawLib
drawBitmapCenter(Canvas, Bitmap, float, float, Paint) - Static method in class org.tapchain.DrawLib
drawBitmapCenter(Canvas, Bitmap, Float, IPoint, Paint) - Static method in class org.tapchain.DrawLib
drawerArrowStyle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
DrawerArrowToggle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a DrawerArrowToggle.
DrawerArrowToggle_arrowHeadLength - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.arrowHeadLength attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle array.
DrawerArrowToggle_arrowShaftLength - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.arrowShaftLength attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle array.
DrawerArrowToggle_barLength - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.barLength attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle array.
DrawerArrowToggle_color - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.color attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle array.
DrawerArrowToggle_drawableSize - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.drawableSize attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle array.
DrawerArrowToggle_gapBetweenBars - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.gapBetweenBars attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle array.
DrawerArrowToggle_spinBars - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.spinBars attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle array.
DrawerArrowToggle_thickness - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.thickness attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle array.
DrawLib - Class in org.tapchain
DrawLib() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.DrawLib
drawStringCenter(Canvas, IPoint, String, Paint) - Static method in class org.tapchain.DrawLib
drip - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.raw
dropdownListPreferredItemHeight - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
dropDownListViewStyle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
dump() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ActorManager
dust - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
dustbox - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
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