A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 


magnet - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
magnetToggle() - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.CanvasViewImpl
mail - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
mail2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
MainActivity - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
MainActivity() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.MainActivity
MainActivityFragment - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
A placeholder fragment containing a simple view.
MainActivityFragment() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.MainActivityFragment
MainActivityTest - Class in org.tapchain.realworld.test
MainActivityTest() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.test.MainActivityTest
makeAlert(Activity, String) - Static method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor
makeOrReuse(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.tapchain.BitmapMaker
makeOrReuse(String, int) - Static method in class org.tapchain.BitmapMaker
Manager<T extends IPiece> - Class in org.tapchain.core
Manager() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.Manager
material_blue_grey_800 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_blue_grey_900 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_blue_grey_950 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_deep_teal_200 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_deep_teal_500 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_grey_100 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_grey_300 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_grey_50 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_grey_600 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_grey_800 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_grey_850 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
material_grey_900 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
MathActor - Class in org.tapchain.core
MathActor() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.MathActor
MathActor.AddMath - Class in org.tapchain.core
MathActor.AddMath() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.AddMath
MathActor.IntegerMath - Class in org.tapchain.core
MathActor.IntegerMath() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.IntegerMath
MathActor.IntegerVerb<V> - Class in org.tapchain.core
MathActor.IntegerVerb() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.IntegerVerb
MathActor.MathEffector<EFFECT> - Class in org.tapchain.core
MathActor.MathEffector(Class<? extends EFFECT>) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.MathEffector
MathActor.MultiMath - Class in org.tapchain.core
MathActor.MultiMath() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.MultiMath
MathActor.SubMath - Class in org.tapchain.core
MathActor.SubMath() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.SubMath
mathEffect(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.AddMath
mathEffect(EFFECT, EFFECT) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.MathEffector
mathEffect(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.MultiMath
mathEffect(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.MathActor.SubMath
maxButtonHeight - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
measureWithLargestChild - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
media_actions - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
menu - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
menu_main - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.menu
menu_tap_chain_view - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.menu
MenuFragment - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
A simple Fragment subclass.
MenuFragment() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.MenuFragment
MenuGroup - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a MenuGroup.
MenuGroup_android_checkableBehavior - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.checkableBehavior attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup array.
MenuGroup_android_enabled - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.enabled attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup array.
MenuGroup_android_id - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.id attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup array.
MenuGroup_android_menuCategory - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.menuCategory attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup array.
MenuGroup_android_orderInCategory - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orderInCategory attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup array.
MenuGroup_android_visible - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.visible attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup array.
MenuItem - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a MenuItem.
MenuItem_actionLayout - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionLayout attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_actionProviderClass - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionProviderClass attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_actionViewClass - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionViewClass attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_alphabeticShortcut - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alphabeticShortcut attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_checkable - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.checkable attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_checked - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.checked attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_enabled - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.enabled attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_icon - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.icon attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_id - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.id attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_menuCategory - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.menuCategory attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_numericShortcut - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.numericShortcut attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_onClick - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.onClick attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_orderInCategory - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orderInCategory attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_title - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.title attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_titleCondensed - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleCondensed attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_android_visible - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.visible attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
MenuItem_showAsAction - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.showAsAction attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem array.
menuToggle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
MenuView - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a MenuView.
MenuView_android_headerBackground - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.headerBackground attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView array.
MenuView_android_horizontalDivider - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.horizontalDivider attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView array.
MenuView_android_itemBackground - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemBackground attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView array.
MenuView_android_itemIconDisabledAlpha - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemIconDisabledAlpha attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView array.
MenuView_android_itemTextAppearance - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemTextAppearance attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView array.
MenuView_android_verticalDivider - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.verticalDivider attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView array.
MenuView_android_windowAnimationStyle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowAnimationStyle attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView array.
MenuView_preserveIconSpacing - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.preserveIconSpacing attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView array.
mic - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
middle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
minus(Float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.FloatGenerator
minus(WorldPoint) - Static method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
minus(float, float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
minus2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
modem - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.raw
Motor - Class in org.tapchain.game
Motor() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.game.Motor
motor - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
Motor.MotorPedal - Class in org.tapchain.game
Motor.MotorPedal() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.game.Motor.MotorPedal
motor2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
mouse - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
mouse2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
move() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidOverlay
move(float, float) - Method in interface org.tapchain.editor.IWindow
move - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
move(float, float) - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.TapChainSurfaceView
move_user(IPoint) - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidImageMovable
move_user(IPoint) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.actors.ViewActor
moving - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
multi2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
multiChoiceItemLayout - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
multiply(Float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.FloatGenerator
multiply(float) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPoint
multiply(float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ScreenPoint
multiply(float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
multiply(float, float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
multiply - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
multiplyNew(float) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPoint
multiplyNew(float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ScreenPoint
multiplyNew(float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
multiplyNew(float, float) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
music - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
MyBeamTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
Created by hiro on 2015/05/04.
MyBeamTapStyle(Resources, IActorTap, LinkType, ClassEnvelope) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MyBeamTapStyle
MyCableTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MyCableTapStyle(IActorTap) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MyCableTapStyle
MyCableTapStyle(IActorTap, LinkType, ClassEnvelope, String) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MyCableTapStyle
MyCableTapStyle.Direction - Enum in org.tapchain
myDraw(Canvas) - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.CanvasViewImpl
myDraw(Canvas) - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.TapChainSurfaceView
MyExitOptionTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MyExitOptionTapStyle(IActorTap, Bitmap) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MyExitOptionTapStyle
MyFloat - Class in org.tapchain.game
MyFloat() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.game.MyFloat
MyFloat(Float) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.game.MyFloat
MyFocusControl - Class in org.tapchain
MyFocusControl() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MyFocusControl
MyFocusControl.SpotGroupLayout - Enum in org.tapchain
MyRestartOptionTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MyRestartOptionTapStyle(IActorTap, Bitmap) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MyRestartOptionTapStyle
MySetFloatTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MySetFloatTapStyle(IActorTap) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MySetFloatTapStyle
MySetIntegerTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MySetPathTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MySetPedalTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain.game
MySetPedalTapStyle(IActorTap) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.game.MySetPedalTapStyle
MySetPointTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MySetSquarePathTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
Created by hiro on 2016/01/06.
MySetSquarePathTapStyle(IActorTap, Bitmap) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MySetSquarePathTapStyle
MySetTimeTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MySimpleOptionTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
MySimpleOptionTapStyle(IActorTap, Bitmap) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MySimpleOptionTapStyle
MySpotOptionTapStyle - Class in org.tapchain
Created by hiro on 2015/05/04.
MySpotOptionTapStyle(IActorTap, LinkType, ClassEnvelope) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MySpotOptionTapStyle
MyTapStyle2 - Class in org.tapchain
MyTapStyle2(IActorEditor, Activity) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MyTapStyle2
MyTapStyle2(IActorEditor, Activity, Integer) - Constructor for class org.tapchain.MyTapStyle2
myview_init(Integer) - Method in class org.tapchain.MyTapStyle2
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