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R - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R
R - Class in org.tapchain.realworld.test
R() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.test.R
R.anim - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.anim() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.anim
R.attr - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.attr() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
R.attr - Class in org.tapchain.realworld.test
R.attr() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.test.R.attr
R.bool - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.bool() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.bool
R.color - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.color() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
R.dimen - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.dimen() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.dimen
R.drawable - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.drawable() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
R.id - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.id() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
R.integer - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.integer() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.integer
R.layout - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.layout() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.layout
R.menu - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.menu() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.menu
R.mipmap - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.mipmap() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.mipmap
R.raw - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.raw() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.raw
R.string - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.string() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.string
R.string - Class in org.tapchain.realworld.test
R.string() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.test.R.string
R.style - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.style() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
R.styleable - Class in org.tapchain.realworld
R.styleable() - Constructor for class org.tapchain.realworld.R.styleable
racket - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.raw
radi - Variable in class org.tapchain.MySetIntegerTapStyle
radio - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.id
radioButtonStyle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
railx - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
ratingBarStyle - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.attr
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
rawX() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPoint
rawX() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ScreenPoint
rawX() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
rawY() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPoint
rawY() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ScreenPoint
rawY() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
ray_face - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
recognize - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
record - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
record_start() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidRecorder
record_start() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.ActorChain.IRecorder
record_stop() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidRecorder
record_stop() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.ActorChain.IRecorder
refresh() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Blueprint
refresh() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Blueprint.TmpInstance
refresh() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IBlueprint
refreshPieceView(Actor, Actor) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ActorManager
refreshPieceView(PIECE, PIECE) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PieceManager
refreshPieceView(Actor, Actor) - Method in class org.tapchain.editor.EditorManager
register() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.CollidableRegister
register() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Register
register() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.ScrollableRegister
Register(IBlueprint) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Factory
Register(List<IBlueprint<PIECE>>) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Factory
registerAdapter(IChainAdapter) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Chain
registerCollideHandler(IActorCollideHandler) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.ICollideRegister
registerControllerAdapter(IChainAdapter) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ChainController
registerHandler(IScrollHandler) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IRegister
registerHandler(IScrollHandler) - Method in class org.tapchain.OptionTapStyle
registerToFactory() - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.ActorImage
registerToManager(ActorManager, IActorEditor) - Method in class org.tapchain.SelectedTapLockEnvelope
relation_impl(ViewActor, ViewActor) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor.Relation
relatives - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
releaseTap(IActorTap, IPoint) - Method in class org.tapchain.editor.TapChainEditor
reload - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
remove(ActorChain.IViewCallback) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ActorChain
remove(Actor) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ActorManager
remove(IBlueprint) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.BlueprintManager
remove(T) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IManager
remove(T) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Manager
remove(PIECE) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PieceManager
removeMember(Actor) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Actor
removePath(T) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PathPack
removePathClass(ClassEnvelope) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PathPack
removePiece(IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Chain
removeTap(IActorTap) - Static method in class org.tapchain.core.TapLib
removeTap(IPathTap) - Static method in class org.tapchain.core.TapLib
removeViewFromAnimation() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidOverlay
removeViewFromAnimation() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.actors.ViewActor
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Chain.ChainPieceOperator
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Connector
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.DelayedSyncQueue
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Hippo
reset() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IAxon
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PathPack.InPathPack
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.PathPack.OutPathPack
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.SyncObject
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.SyncQueue
reset() - Method in class org.tapchain.editor.TapChainEditor
reset_async_impl() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidSound
reset_async_impl() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidSound2
reset_async_impl() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.ActorChain.ISound
reset_sound_impl() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidSound
reset_sound_impl() - Method in class org.tapchain.AndroidActor.AndroidSound2
reset_sound_impl() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.ActorChain.ISound
resetInPathPack(PathType) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.Piece
resetNextPos() - Method in interface org.tapchain.editor.IEditor
resetNextPos() - Method in class org.tapchain.editor.TapChainEditor
resetRegistration() - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.CanvasViewImpl
resetRegistration() - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.TapChainWritingView
resetSpot() - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.actors.IFocusHandler
restart(IPiece) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ActorManager
restart() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ChainPiece
restoreState() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ChainPiece
reverse() - Method in enum org.tapchain.core.LinkType
right - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
right2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
ripple_material_dark - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
ripple_material_light - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.color
roadback - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
rotate - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
rotate2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
rotation - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
rotation2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.drawable
round(int) - Method in interface org.tapchain.core.IPoint
round(int) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ScreenPoint
round(int) - Method in class org.tapchain.core.WorldPoint
RtlOverlay_DialogWindowTitle_AppCompat - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TitleItem - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_DialogTitle_Icon - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem_InternalGroup - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem_Text - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Icon1 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Icon2 - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Query - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Text - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_SearchView_MagIcon - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlUnderlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
RtlUnderlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_Overflow - Static variable in class org.tapchain.realworld.R.style
run() - Method in class org.tapchain.core.ChainPiece
run(Runnable) - Method in interface org.tapchain.editor.IWindow
run(Runnable) - Method in class org.tapchain.realworld.TapChainSurfaceView
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